Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Taco Tuesday: Overcoming Difficulties

Helllo World!
(Yes second post in one day!)

So today's topic for Taco Tuesday is overcoming great difficulties in life. 

It's no big secret to anyone, that at some point in your life, whether it's during one of the best moments, or one of your hardest struggles, everyone sufferes from great difficulties in life. And it's never the same for anyone. 

So what is an extreme difficulty? Exactly that. To give it a definition, it's a time or task in your life, that presents a new level of difficulty that you have never faced before or never faced on such a high level. 

For some people, it's a school exam or assignment, for others it's finding money or making friends. Whatever it is, it's hard. There's no other way too see it, and when you feel the pressure of extreme difficulties, it really hits hard. 


The best thing to do is not to let it overcome you. You can break down, curl into a ball, scream, cry, rip your homework into shreds. But that will only give you temporary relief. For that scary task is still right behind you. The best thing to do is sit down and access the situation. Make a list of all your tasks, any deadlines you have, and then begin to put different parts of the task across your timeline. Even the amounts out so that larger time sections have more work and smaller less work. The best and really only way to overcome your extremely difficulty moment in life, is too combat it. To finish the task or earn that money, and show the world just what you've got. 

Don't ever let the task get you down, because no matter how large the task seems, if it wasn't completable, it never would have been created. 

You can do whatever you put your mind too and work through it. Stay strong my loves. 

If you're ready, nothing can stop us
Stay fabulous 
Girl Radical xxx

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