Thursday, 29 January 2015


Hello World!
If there is one thing I love to do, it's looking at bed linen. Not the under sheets that you sleep on, but rather the exotic covers that go on the top. I just love to look at them! My mum owns several different sets of bed covers, but her doona (the blanket in the cover), is a different size so I can't steal them. Up until today I owned only 3 bed covers, but, whilst waiting for mum to pick me up, I found a beautiful bed cover in big- W that was just screaming at me to buy it. And for $20 how could I say no. Beds are a feature of a bedroom after all. 
Bed cover before: 
And bed cover after: 
This is a terrible photo of the cover, as it makes them look very similar. But underneath the grey throw blanket (the lighter coloured length ways one), is a lighter patterned section that really sets them apart. If you haven't noticed, grey is my favourite colour :) Also, the stripey pillow in the front is the new one from ikea I mentioned! 

Bed linen is key in a bedroom, so when buying it stick to your colour scheme, buy pillows that match the cover, and buy something you like. It doesn't matter if other people don't like it, it's your bed and in the end you're going to be the one constantly looking at it and sleeping on it so you should like it. 

If you're ready, nothing can stop us. 
Stay fabulous, 
Girl Radical xxx
Ps. This is a photo of the new bed cover so you can see a bit better. 
Until next time :) preps to you if you got this far thanks for reading <3

Monday, 26 January 2015

Facial Cleanser

Hello World! 
For a lot of us teenagers, the struggle of going through puberty is a painful one, made harder by the appearance of pimples. Some people are blessed and don't have the ugly red blotches and acne on their skin, but for the rest of the struggle is real. 
Have oily to combination skin that is fairly dry, I struggled to find a face wash that helped to clear my skin up without drying it out (I know a lot of people say moisturiser, but I can't use it on my face as it makes my cheeks inflamed and all red). 
Over the past 3 years I have learnt that for oily pimply skin, a face wash made from natural, herbal or plant ingredients works best. I had a really good herbal face wash by Dr, Lewinns, but they unfortunately stopped making it (sad face). Instead I have swapped and tested 5 different face washes and my favourite has been: 
A combination of the Garnier Anti- shine combination to oily skin face wash, made from naturally sourced organic and plant based materials. I use this in the morning when I wake up and at night before I go to bed. Also, face wash like most things, works best when sleeping, so after washing my face at night time, I apply a small amount of Benzac AC water based acne gel to each pimple to really bring them down and also to aid in preventing future pimples.

The matter of face cleaning and acne removal is different for everyone, because we all have different skin. It's really a matter of finding what's right for you, weather that's through trial and error, like what I did, or seeing a doctor (not sure f it's a gynaecologist or a dermatologist) to help you. Keeping in mind you have to consider what you put on your face such as make up moisturiser sun screen, you should always remove any products you have applied before washing you face. 
Good luck to you all! 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us. 
Stay fabulous, 
Girl Online xxx

Friday, 23 January 2015

Lunch Time Treats

Hello World!
Today I went on an adventure with my parents driving around our wonderful city on a day trip. Whilst driving around the suburbs, we stumbled upon a small chocolate bar and decided to check it out. 
And boy am I glad we did! 
The restaurant was small, situated in a round food court, with outside access, and a rather quiet place despite the noisy food court just outside. It was decorated with beautiful hand painted artworks, and other jungle themed things. 
My parents and I were heading to ikea for lunch, so we weren't having proper meals there. Instead we got a serving of Dutch pancakes, an Italian dark chocolate hot chocolate, caramel Belgium chocolate hot chocolate and my drink, a tim-tam choc Shake which I absolutely adored. 
All in all it was an incredible day and I highly recommend the restaurant to everyone. I finished the day with some salt and pepper squid from ikea and a few new cushions that I shall be posting the pictures of soon. Thanks to my parents for taking me <3 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us
Stay fabulous, 
Girl Radical xxx

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Taco Tuesday: Thankfulness

Hello World! 
Over the past couple days I have been spending quite a lot of time on YouTube, watching episodes of Worlds Strictest Parents. Whilst watching this show it really hit home about just how many people in first- world- countries don't respect what they have, and take for granted what hundreds of kids would give anything to have. 
By far one of the most important human attributes is thankfulness. We have things like water, food, power etc. right at our fingertips whenever we want it. 
Third- world- countries often have to walk hundreds of kilometres daily just to get a mere tub of water. 
We really are lucky, and no matter how hard you think your life is just remember the poor people who suffer through this everyday and remember that you have it easy. 
So, this week I am dedicating Taco Tueaday to being thankful. 
Another one of my incredible birthday presents was a small stationary set 
This came from kikki.k (in a pink and white poker-dot box), and every page in the book is titled 'today I am grateful for' followed by 3 spaces to write 3 things you're greatful for that day. 
Things like these come in handy, because when I'm older it will help me to look back on my life and remember all the wonderful things that happened to me this year, and bring back some beautful memories I am yet to make. 

To make one of these yourself, you can use things like Microsoft Word and Publisher, to design your own or Google a design and print or photocopy them. You can also do an online one, to save paper if you would rather to. 
I just find that the little things really do mean the most, and that we should be eternally greatful for the incredible things we have been given, and not complain about the things we don't have. If everyone could be more positive we would all lead happier lives. 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us. 
Stay fabulous, 
Girl Online xxx

Monday, 19 January 2015

Tumblr your bedroom

Hello world! 
To the hundreds of teenagers around the world who use tumblr, you can understand the daily struggle of seeing the pictures 'tumblr bedroom' and wishing your room could look just as cool. Well, I go through this struggle to, so this blog is going to be teaching you how to 'tumblr your bedroom' 
When looking at the majority of tumblr bedroom photographs, the most common things in them are posters and photos, lights and personality. These are the key things in really creating a tumblr bedroom. 
Ta- dah! These are the things from my bedroom that I think capture the tumblr look best. 

Step one: the lights 
A lot of teenage girls around the world, me being one of them, crave at some point to have fairy lights or cool creative ones strung around their room. For my lights I have used a set of 20 string paper lanterns from Typo ($20). You can actaully buy lights like these from a lot of popular branded teenager stores now which is absolutely amazing, but also but just pretty little fairy lights from a lot of stores. I also have a finding nemo nightlight and a Peter rabbit picnic style desk lamp (top left hand corner it has really cool figurines on the stand) which are both from my childhood. You can buy similar nightlights from a lot of children's stores, ikea and any cool lghting stores. My final light in my room is a clip on desk lamp which I lie because I can put it basically anywhere and it has a bendy neck which is perfect. Lights are one of the most important features of a tumblr bedroom, but I also find they had a cool creative side to your room :).

Step two: posters and photos. 
Posters and photos (postos), one of my favourite things in a bedroom. As much as my parents and most adults dislike them, postos are essential to a teenagers room, adding both tumblr effect but also personality and warmth which any bedroom needs. 
This feature doesn't need a whole lot of effort, just grab a few posters of your fave celebs or singers, whether they are printed or from a magazine and blue tack them up in your room in a cool pattern. Next, print out a stack of pictures of you and your besties, pets, family or just Instagram pictures of places and things and again blue tack them on your walls but this time in a collage form, so the edges all like up, or in a string its up to you (you can also chuck some pictures on your mirror too, if you have one in your room). 

Step three: personality 
The most crucial thing when it comes to a bedroom, is personality. If your bedroom doesn't speak you, it's not your bedroom. It's a shell you sleep in. 
Weather it's your furniture your paint colour bed cover, stuffed animals, whatever. A room NEEDS personality. Break down what means the most in your life and put it in your room. My room has cushions, a dark bed cover, electronics, light tan coloured furniture (another tip: COLOUR CODE MAKE IT MATCH), quotes posters, a bit of everything. Because that's who I am. I like a bit of everything. A girl should be able to walk into her bedroom and feel comfortable and happy, it's your kingdom and your happy place for you to rule. So go crazy and put yourself into your room you won't regret it :). 

So remember, all it really takes to have one of those incredible tumblr bedrooms we all see, is lights, posters and photographs and personality. If you have these items then congratulations! YOU HAVE A TUMBLR BEDROOM. Good for your girl :) 
Signing off now from the Middle of a storm! 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us. 
Stay fabulous, 
Girl Radical xxx

Monday, 12 January 2015

Getting Ready For Back To School!

Hello World!
For those of you who don't know, I live in Australia, and it's currently Summer time here. 
What does this mean?
SCHOOL HOLIDAYS (also means Christmas is in horrible summer heat- ew)
But, being January already, it means school is almost here, and it's time to get ready. 
I thought for today's post I would share with you my tips on what you need for school to make it the best year possible.

I like to start my school year with a bit of planning. Usually around this time of the year, popular shops send out their back to school magazines and 'junk mail' as it gets called here. I collect all the brochures from my favourite shops, all my left over stationary from last year, and make a quick list of what I need, where I can buy it and how much it will cost. 
Next is shopping!
I didn't do all of my shopping in one day, but instead went to one shop a different day over a week whenever there was time, and by the end of it
Wulah! My school supplies :) 
The first picture is all of my stationary, there's not much I know because this year I chose to hold back a bit and buy a little less because I just don't use it. The large smuggle eraser ($5), scissors, liquid white out, crayon highlighter ($2.50 smiggle), extendable ruler ($2.50 Woolworths), sticky notes ($1 E-bay), and pens ($4 pack of 15 pens) were all saved from last year. As fun as it is to buy new stationary it's always smart to save it instead. 
My new stuff, I saved a lot of money researching and buying the cheapest items. Highlights ($3 6 pack from target), Pacers (2 pacers, lead and 6 small erasers $5 pack Woolworths), white out- tape ( .80c 2 pack office works) and lollipop eraser (I was given this so I can't hook you up sorry guys) 

Pencil cases!
This is my ultimate weakness when it comes to stationary- I LOVE THEM. Don't ever let somebody tell you you only need one pencil case, you can have as many as you want. These are some of my favourite, the left ($5 from Target) being the one if using this year (the right is $7 from sportsgirl, I got it on sale for $4). 
Books, of course are the most important part of a school year. 
Being true to myself I hardly ever buy anything for its full price and always find it on sale. The 2 colour hide books (purple and green), normally cost $7 for the purple 5 subject book, I got it for $3 at Target. And the green A4 lecture book normally $6, $4 from Target. 
The black books came in a set of 2 for $1.79 from Aldi, and the small campus notebook, I got for $1 instead of its normal price of $7 at Typo. 

So there you have it guys! 
I hope my school supplies inspire you to go out there and save save save! Happy Shopping and good luck with your school year :) 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us
Stay Fabulous 
Girl Radical xxx

Friday, 9 January 2015

Book Review: Girl Online, Zoe Sugg

Hello World! 
So, for those of you who read my last blog (Thankyou!), you may have noticed I briefly mentioned the book 'Girl Online' by Zoe Sugg. So, for today's blog, I am doing a book review! 

Book Description: 
Penny has a secret.
Under the alias GirlOnline, she blogs about school dramas, boys, her mad, whirlwind family - and the panic attacks she's suffered from lately. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets the gorgeous, guitar-strumming Noah. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.
But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever.

My take:
4/5 chickens 
This book for me was an absolute blast to read, and I enjoyed every page. It didn't have the slow boring start that most 1st time authors tend to have, and was an incredibly relatable book. Written from the perspective of a young teenage girl, Penny Porter, suffering from panic attacks, bullying and low- self esteem, coming out of the shadows and taking control of her life, this book made for an excellent read and I highly recommend it. 
The book is aimed mostly at the younger demographic however, Adults probably not liking the writing style that Sugg has adapted in her book.
I found Girl Online to be relatable because it talks about boy issues, being bullied by the 'popular' girl in school and just general dramas of a teenage girls life. The way Sugg has used evocative language and a flowing style, really captured the audiences attention and emotions, drawing them (and me) into this novel. The exciting plot twist that occurs in the novel, seems to turn the whole thing upside down, an unexpected turn for sure! The novel does however end on a happy note, and I'm not going to give any more details away, because that is for you to find out by reading the book! 

Available at:
Dymocks $20
Big W: $14 
E- book: $10.44 
QBD: $20 
All good bookstores and general stores 

Hope you enjoy :) leave a comment below telling me about any good books that you guys love or you take on Zoe Sugg's book Girl Online! 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us
Stay Fabulous 
Girl Radical xxx

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Taco Tuesday: Being Greatful

Hello World! 

So, as the title tells you, today is taco Tuesday! (Sadly, I don't actually eat tacos on a Tuesday. It's the best word that started with a T to go with Tuesday) A lot of bloggers have days such as 'Motivational Monday' and 'Think About it Thursday'. Mine is going to be Taco Tuesday :).

Despite what many people and professionals say, there are thousands if not millions of people who suffer from self- hatred, depression and self- loathing at some point in their life. For me, my entirety of 2013 was exactly this. No matter what task it was, I lacked the self- motivation to complete it. So, being the first Taco Tuesday I have blogged on in 2015, I am going to dedicate it to self- motivation.

2013 was a very difficult year for me, mixing loosing my closet friends, a max in hormones and the second year of high school: it was extreme. So, 2014 meant a change was needed: I couldn't continue as I was. A change in friends, subjects and mind. 
How did I do it?
I invented a process that let me overcome my motivational struggles. 
A bit like Penny does in the new book 'Girl Online' By Zoella (highly recommend this book it's absolutely amazing). My process is the phrase 'Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'' I wrote this phrase on a price of paper and hung it at eye level on the wall above my desk (it's the only thing hanging there to avoid distractions). Whenever I used to sit in my room faced with a task that felt just too big too complete, I would look at the paper and repeat the phrase out loud over and over until the 'Motivation Monster' inside of me was replaced by hardcore work ethic. 
 It's ok to feel depressed, unsure or unmotivated, all of this is apart of growing up. What's not ok, is letting it control your life and what you do. Nobody else has the right to tell you what to do, they can give you advice but you can choose if you follow it. Especially bullies. Nobody can hurt you but you. Only if you let them in. If you don't give them access, they have no power. 

Whatever your issue in life, the best way for you to overcome it is to invent a way to overpower it. Weather it's an alter- ego or a popular tumblr catchphrase, everybody has a way to overcome their monsters. 
So, your challenge for today, is to discover what your monsters are, and what your method of overcoming them is. If you ever need any help, I am here and my inbox is open :). 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us
Stay fabulous
Girl Radical xxx

Friday, 2 January 2015

Banging Birthday Bash

Hello World! 

So yesterday was a magical day for me, because it was my birthday! 
I spent my special day with lots of food shopping and friends, and had an amazing high tea and dinner out on the town. 
One of the presents I received was a set of 3 Lush banger bath bombs. 
Lush is one of the best stores to buy soap and bath supplies, because they are strongly against animal testing as everyone should be, and they sell a variety of items from shower gels and hair luxuriants to bath bombs and scented body creams. 
My tip of the day, is when it comes to using your bath bombs, I find that cutting or breaking the bombs into 4 sections and using one for each bath makes them last a lot longer, in my case having 12 baths instead of 3. 
You can enjoy your lush products more if they last longer. 

I loved all my presents and my food, Thankyou to everyone who helped celebrate my birthday. Lots of love!! 
I'm back at work tomorrow too, which I'm looking forward to a lot. Where do all of you guys work? Leave a comment below and let me know :) 
If you're are ready, nothing can stop us.
Stay fabulous 
Girl Radical xxx