Monday, 26 January 2015

Facial Cleanser

Hello World! 
For a lot of us teenagers, the struggle of going through puberty is a painful one, made harder by the appearance of pimples. Some people are blessed and don't have the ugly red blotches and acne on their skin, but for the rest of the struggle is real. 
Have oily to combination skin that is fairly dry, I struggled to find a face wash that helped to clear my skin up without drying it out (I know a lot of people say moisturiser, but I can't use it on my face as it makes my cheeks inflamed and all red). 
Over the past 3 years I have learnt that for oily pimply skin, a face wash made from natural, herbal or plant ingredients works best. I had a really good herbal face wash by Dr, Lewinns, but they unfortunately stopped making it (sad face). Instead I have swapped and tested 5 different face washes and my favourite has been: 
A combination of the Garnier Anti- shine combination to oily skin face wash, made from naturally sourced organic and plant based materials. I use this in the morning when I wake up and at night before I go to bed. Also, face wash like most things, works best when sleeping, so after washing my face at night time, I apply a small amount of Benzac AC water based acne gel to each pimple to really bring them down and also to aid in preventing future pimples.

The matter of face cleaning and acne removal is different for everyone, because we all have different skin. It's really a matter of finding what's right for you, weather that's through trial and error, like what I did, or seeing a doctor (not sure f it's a gynaecologist or a dermatologist) to help you. Keeping in mind you have to consider what you put on your face such as make up moisturiser sun screen, you should always remove any products you have applied before washing you face. 
Good luck to you all! 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us. 
Stay fabulous, 
Girl Online xxx

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