Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Taco Tuesday: Being Greatful

Hello World! 

So, as the title tells you, today is taco Tuesday! (Sadly, I don't actually eat tacos on a Tuesday. It's the best word that started with a T to go with Tuesday) A lot of bloggers have days such as 'Motivational Monday' and 'Think About it Thursday'. Mine is going to be Taco Tuesday :).

Despite what many people and professionals say, there are thousands if not millions of people who suffer from self- hatred, depression and self- loathing at some point in their life. For me, my entirety of 2013 was exactly this. No matter what task it was, I lacked the self- motivation to complete it. So, being the first Taco Tuesday I have blogged on in 2015, I am going to dedicate it to self- motivation.

2013 was a very difficult year for me, mixing loosing my closet friends, a max in hormones and the second year of high school: it was extreme. So, 2014 meant a change was needed: I couldn't continue as I was. A change in friends, subjects and mind. 
How did I do it?
I invented a process that let me overcome my motivational struggles. 
A bit like Penny does in the new book 'Girl Online' By Zoella (highly recommend this book it's absolutely amazing). My process is the phrase 'Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'' I wrote this phrase on a price of paper and hung it at eye level on the wall above my desk (it's the only thing hanging there to avoid distractions). Whenever I used to sit in my room faced with a task that felt just too big too complete, I would look at the paper and repeat the phrase out loud over and over until the 'Motivation Monster' inside of me was replaced by hardcore work ethic. 
 It's ok to feel depressed, unsure or unmotivated, all of this is apart of growing up. What's not ok, is letting it control your life and what you do. Nobody else has the right to tell you what to do, they can give you advice but you can choose if you follow it. Especially bullies. Nobody can hurt you but you. Only if you let them in. If you don't give them access, they have no power. 

Whatever your issue in life, the best way for you to overcome it is to invent a way to overpower it. Weather it's an alter- ego or a popular tumblr catchphrase, everybody has a way to overcome their monsters. 
So, your challenge for today, is to discover what your monsters are, and what your method of overcoming them is. If you ever need any help, I am here and my inbox is open :). 
If you're ready, nothing can stop us
Stay fabulous
Girl Radical xxx

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